Greetings and welcome to the academy resources section. An extensive collection of complimentary resources is provided here, which can be employed to commence or progress in a professional career within the downstream refining industry. Regardless of the importance of lifelong learning, we are gathered here to impart our over five decades of experience and expertise. Gain advantages from it.


Academy in the News

Ever since our academy''s establishment in 2019, we have encountered a multitude of challenges and developments. Nevertheless, we continued to offer our knowledge in order to aid in your professional development within the downstream refining industry. Each press release and media story pertaining to the academy is accessible via this page. Information pertaining to forthcoming public courses, subjects, webinars, and newsletters that will enhance your educational journey will be posted on this page. Peruse each individual section to discover supplementary information.
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Our bi-weekly Newsletter

Our bi-weekly newsletter comprises substantial material, such as industry insights, technical articles, and the most recent academy offers. In exchange for your feedback on requests for academy enhancements, we will grant you access to promotional opportunities, including open houses. How can we be of significant assistance to you in your pursuit of career advancement within the downstream refining industry? We also deliver content from our collaborative partners so that you can benefit from their knowledge. Peruse each individual section to discover supplementary information.
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Blogs from our Experts

Our academy''s experts and industry collaborators impart their knowledge to you through both brief and lengthy academy blogs. These are highly informative from a technical standpoint, as they discuss current techniques and methods that keep you abreast of the latest developments in refining operations expertise. Furthermore, these blogs elaborate on the subjects addressed in our academy courses, white papers, software, and additional concepts. We would appreciate your feedback regarding the contents and any suggestions you may have to help us improve or introduce new topics. Kindly review them.
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Self-study Course and Reference Manuals

We consistently deliver our expertise to you in a variety of formats that accommodate your preferred learning styles. Detailed course manuals are also available in PDF format with slides. Manuals may span a length range of 50 to 1200 pages. They can be used for both leisurely reading and as reference materials. This alternative is provided to you alongside eLearning and live learning on our academy. In addition, we have released the definitive guide to blend model evaluations and a DLL library that can be utilized to develop blending applications in Visual Basic or Excel..
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Useful software to help you

Our team of experts has created numerous Excel-based applications, including a tangible benefits estimator for fuel blending and butane blending, a blending qualities calculator utilizing a non-linear blend model, and many others. These straightforward calculators offer tangible advantages for your refining enterprise. A manual and instructional videos are included. Kindly peruse them on this page and download them as necessary.
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You can build your own LMS

Our academy was constructed by automating the majority of functions of an LMS such as LearnDash. We have utilized integrated office applications, VBA code, scripts, plugins, and a database to construct and restructure our academy in weeks as opposed to months or even years. The manual labor required to generate new topics, images, descriptions, and any other elements is minimal. We disseminate our technological expertise and detail our methodical progression from inception to constructing a fully functional LMS for any industry. You will be astounded by the degree to which we have automated the academy''s construction. Best of all, we are providing you with the resources to create your own LMS for free.
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Consult our Academy Director Free

Lastly, Dr. Suresh Agrawal, the director of our academy, is readily available to offer a complimentary one-hour consultation. Whether you are a recent graduate or a senior majoring in ChE, consult with him for assistance in launching your career. He will utilize his more than five decades of professional experience and expertise to assist you in attaining your aspirations. Should you be an industry professional engaged in the refining sector and simply seek assistance with a technical issue, please feel free to contact us. Visit our expert without charge. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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Explore Our Courses